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Grading Presentations

July 2 & 3, 2015

Please save these dates!


More details will be published as soon as they are available to us.

​Promotion Exams

November 19-20, 2015

Many members received promotions during our recent spring examinations.


Grading certificates and belts will be awarded during our regular class times on

Thursday July 2nd and Friday July 3rd.


We'll follow this event with our dojo summer party to celebrate everyone's accomplishments.

(See below)

Twice annually our dojo members have to opportunity to take examinations for promotion in the ranking system of aikido.


By preparing for and undergoing these exams, we develop new skills, learn Japanese technique names & terminology and we begin to understand the relationships of the different aikido techniques to one another.


Members are encouraged to start early and focus on the requirements for your next test.

Dojo Summer Party

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

We'll celebrate summer and our recent promotions at Klein Sensei's house, starting from Noon.


Everyone is invited. Bring your entire family and a friend or two if you wish. Please bring food & drink that you like, to share in our pot luck.


The pool and spa will be open. The barbeque grill will be hot. There will be plenty of fun for all!

Special Events Calendar

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