Hombu Dojo Shihan, 7th Dan
February 15-17 (Presidents' Day Weekend)

Download Info & Registration Materials Here
Registration forms may be filled, printed and saved with Adobe Acrobat.
Please sign your form and submit via mail, fax, or e-mail.
You can click below to pay online or send payment with your form.
Online Registration
First: Print your registration form, complete, scan and e-mail it.
Second: Make payment below via PayPal
(Note that online fees include a small surcharge to cover charge card costs)
Online registration ends 2/8/25. Pay check or cash at the door.
Saturday Only
Full Seminar

Sunday Only

Monday Only

We've made arrangements for special rates on hotel rooms for our seminar registrants with the beautiful Hilo Hawaiian Hotel.
Reserve with the hotel directly, by phone, fax or mail.
Nightly rates are $179 for a Standard Garden View room; $189 for Ocean Front; $199 for Premium Ocean Front (upper floors).
If you request to stay a few days longer, the hotel will extend the same rate to days before and after.
​Follow Instructions on the Reservation Form below. You may reserve by phone, fax or mail
On the phone, mention the group name "Aikido of Hilo" and our code H25010, and ask for our special rate.
Reserve your room by 1/14/25 to get this reduced rate.
The deadline has passed but if you phone them and rooms are available, you can still request this rate.