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Most everyone can benefit from studying aikido, physically, mentally and spiritually.

This is an  opportunity for complete beginners to learn aikido basics in a step-by-step fashion.

This special class will meet every Tuesday & Thursday evening, 6:00-7:30pm, starting May 22 and ending June 28, 2018.

There is a single fee of $60 to attend all 12 classes.

We will begin with basic exercises, practicing stretching, movement and conditioning.


Principles and philosophy of aikido will be introduced and basic techniques will be practiced.


We'll learn how to fall down safely, and to perform aikido techniques with our partners.


By the end of six weeks you will know the basics of self defense, simple techniques of aikido and you will understand the philosophy behind aikido.

To sign up for this special session, send an e-mail


or come to class Tuesday May 22nd at 5:45pm.

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