Fall Seminar 2017
October 27-29
Suganuma Shihan, 8th Dan, from Fukuoka, Japan will return for a fourth instructional visit.
Visiting Hilo 2011, 2013 and 2015 he is one of the most inspiring teachers we have ever experienced!
A direct student of the founder, he transmits aikido in a powerful, unique and kind way.
Registration is now open. Details are below.
(the picture below is from our 2013 seminar)
Download Info & Registration Materials Here
Registration forms should be printed, then completed by hand.
Please sign your form and submit via mail, fax, or e-mail.
You can click below to pay online or send payment with your form.
You must Submit Your Form and Make Your Payment to register.
make online payment here
Full Seminar
Adult (by 8/23/17)........................... $200.00
Adult (by 9/23/17)........................... $220.00
Adult (after 9/23/17)........................ $250.00
Teen (by 8/23/17)........................... $110.00
Teen (by 9/23/17)........................... $130.00
Teen (after 9/23/17)........................ $160.00
Adult (by 8/23/17)........................... $105.00
Adult (by 9/23/17)........................... $115.00
Adult (after 9/23/17)........................ $130.00
Teen (by 8/23/17)........................... $ 55.00
Teen (by 9/23/17)........................... $ 65.00
Teen (after 9/23/17)........................ $ 80.00
One Day Only
We've made arrangements for a special deal on hotel rooms and for our seminar registrants with the beautiful Hilo Hawaiian Hotel.
To reserve a room you must submit the form below to the hotel directly via fax or e-mail. Follow instructions on the hotel's form.
Rooms are subject to availability and must be reserved by their deadline of 8/26/17.
To reserve your room download the documents below: