Thanksgiving Seminar 2019
Nov. 29 - Dec. 1
Thanksgiving Weekend
Suganuma Shihan, 8th Dan, from Fukuoka, Japan will make his fifth. biennial instructional visit.
He is one of the most inspiring teachers we have ever experienced!
A direct student of the founder, he transmits aikido in a powerful, unique and kind way.
Registration is now open. Details are below.
(the picture below is from our 2013 seminar)

Download Info & Registration Materials Here
Registration forms may be completed online, saved & printed (or completed by hand).
Please sign your form and submit via mail, fax, or e-mail.
You may mail payment with your form or continue below to pay online.
Online fees are a few dollars higher to cover extra costs.
You must Submit Your Form and Make Your Payment to register.
Full Seminar
Adult (by 10/19/19)....... $226.00
Adult (after 10/19/19)......... $257.00
Teen (by 10/19/19)....... $133.50
Teen (after 10/19/19)......... $164.00
make online payment here
Saturday Only
Adult (by 10/19/19)....... $118.00
Adult (after 10/19/19)......... $134.00
Teen (by 10/19/19)........ $67.50
Teen (after 10/19/19)........... $83.00
Sunday Only
Adult (by 10/19/19)....... $118.00
Adult (after 10/19/19)......... $134.00
Teen (by 10/19/19)........ $67.50
Teen (after 10/19/19)........... $83.00
One Class Only
Adult (by 10/19/19)......... $52.00
Adult (after 10/19/19)........... $52.00
Teen (by 10/19/19)........ $31.50
Teen (after 10/19/19)........... $31.50
We've made arrangements for a special deal on hotel rooms and for our seminar registrants with the beautiful Hilo Hawaiian Hotel.
To reserve a room you must submit the form below to the hotel directly via fax or e-mail. Follow instructions on the hotel's form.
Rooms are subject to availability and must be reserved by their deadline of 10/17/19.
To reserve your room download the documents below:
We are now past the deadline for guaranteed availability at these special rates.
If there is space, the hotel may still honor these rates.
Contacting them by phone is recommended.